Howdy friends! I'm back from my three week adventure around America. In fact we landed early this morning so I'm currently at home on the couch in a bit of a fog trying to keep myself awake until it's deemed somewhat acceptable to go to bed.
I had such a fun trip! It's hard to believe we did so much in such a short space of time. It felt like we were there for much longer than three weeks. Not complaining about that! Traveling with Ben and my siblings (sister's boyfriend Al also counts as a sibling) was the best. Love those people to bits.
I'll be sharing photos and stories from each place we visited in the coming week or so, but I just wanted to pop in and say g'day. Unfortunately I'm going straight back to work tomorrow which is a bit of a bummer. Excited to see the girls at work, though! All the emails waiting for me? Not so much.
Hope everyone has been swell. xoxo
Yay so happy you're back and it's nice to hear you had an amazing time!! Can't wait to see your pics. Hope you manage to stay awake at work :)
Welcome back! Your photos on instagram were great - looks like you had an awesome time! Can't wait to hear more about it!