Wednesday, March 6, 2013

On Disconnecting

Is this a familiar scene in your household? I often find myself sitting on the couch with my laptop, phone by my side and sometimes even the television turned on though I might not even be watching it. Even as I write this, I've been stopping every now and then to check Instagram. Technology and social media are a big part of my life and I'm someone that's always connected. It's not only a hobby but it's part of my job as a Communications Manager as well. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm a HUGE advocate for technology and social media - I think it's amazing! But lately I've been feeling as though I need to take a step back every now and then. I read two blog posts on this topic recently that really spoke to me. The first was by Naomi on Love Taza and the second by Christina on Profresh Style. Both are worth the read if you're feeling a little too dependent on technology, as I am at the moment. 

A few days after reading those posts, I also watched an episode of Parks and Recreation where Tom has a bit of a breakdown when he's not allowed to use technology for a day and even makes an Iphone out of paper. While being absolutely hilarious, it also really made me think about how I would feel if I challenged myself to do the same. You can watch a really funny clip from the episode here.

So a few Sundays ago I decided not to check Instagram, Twitter or Facebook for the entire day. Catching up on my Instagram feed is part of my morning ritual as I eat breakfast, so not doing that was admittedly pretty hard. I actually look forward to it when I wake up because it's a huge source of inspiration for me and let's face it, mornings are not that great. Anyway, I managed not to go on any of those sites for the whole day though I did use my phone as I needed to make some calls. I'm not gonna lie, I did feel kind of anxious which just proves to me that I need to do it more often. I mean, what was I anxious about? That I wouldn't find out what someone had for lunch? Geez.

What about you? Are you suffering from the same technology dependency as me?


  1. This is actually so inspiring! I really need to step away from my phone and computer more often. I definitely rely on technology too much and it's awful! I'm going to have to try a technology free day like you :) Also Parks and Rec is hilarious ahha


    1. Glad you found it useful! Yes, it is the best show ever!!!

  2. I am exactly the same. Every night I take my Samsung Note, laptop and two phones to the loungeroom where I turn the tv on for background noise while I work on my blog. It's terrible, but it's part of society unfortunately. The worst thing is that I sleep with my phones on my bed beside me as that's the best place for them to be able to charge and so I can turn off my alarm ASAP (lol). Days without technology are surely very good for you!


    1. Oh yeah, I also charge my phone next to my bed. I liked an idea in one of the other blog posts I linked to up there about charging your phone in another room and buying an actual alarm clock for your bedroom!

  3. One of my best friends deleted her facebook and instagram about a month ago and she loves it! Very inspirational post Han xo

    1. Gosh, don't think I could do that. Maybe Facebook but not Instagram!


Thank you for the love! It is super appreciated.