Monday, February 18, 2013

Quiet Days

After a big week of work last week I've managed to come down with a rotten cold. As a result, I spent most of my weekend inside, except for a brief breakfast outing with Ben yesterday morning. I'm never too sick for breakfast.

Here are a couple of snaps from around the apartment. Our chilli plant is thriving which I'm quite excited about, seeing as though we managed to kill all our other plants. I found a new place to hang my bunting (and also left my bed unmade for a whole week). I dug up some of my instax photos, including this favourite shot of Ben and I. I also loved the bokkeh effect the sunlight through the leaves was making on our balcony. But apart from that, I've spent most of my time between bed and my couch, keeping up the fluids, popping cold and flu tablets, eating toast and watching back to back episodes of Parks and Recreation. Let's hope I can shake this thing soon. The next few weeks (months, years?) are going to be busy!

1 comment:

  1. Feel better soon lovely!! We dont want you sick for Melbourne visit!!! xx


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